Basia Alexander
Intuitive Communicator

Dear Visitor,

I believe that you and I are alike: We both want to make a difference on this fragile planet so that everyone--Nature and humanity alike--can be healthy, live together peacefully, thrive, and become more than we currently are.

This carefully crafted website contains more than just information because information is empty and meaningless unless you DO something with it. So there are lots of blog posts with action items.

Scroll down to see my Bio. Scroll further and read MY STORY. And, a bit more.. and I'll tell you what I envision for this world.

At the bottom of the page, you'll find just a few appetizers of EcoUpShifted ideas. There are platefuls of them in the blog category: Big New Ideas For EcoUpShifting.

Everything you need is here to become a true and collaborative Partner With Nature.

Basia's Bio

Ms. Basia Alexander, “The Chief Listener”, B.A. Communications, Beloit College. Advanced multi-discipline qualifications from the School of Life.  Author. Speaker. Healer. Futurist. Teacher.

I am a skilled Intuitive Nature Communicator but I see myself as champion of mindset paradigm jumping.  I want to EcoUpShift people’s hearts, minds, and actions into a higher level relationship with Nature: Collaborative “Take AND GIVE” Partnership.  Benefits need to be two-way streets in our climate-changed, tree-and-ecologically-damaged world.

My unique message: Become a MUTUAL HEALER with trees. Humanity can do better than just TAKING solace or benefits FROM Nature.  Instead, people can learn mindful methods to intuitively connect, then pro-actively GIVE spirit-inspired, botanically correct, targeted healing TO trees that have lost inner functionality from climate extremes and human interferences. I gently lead, so people experience TWO-WAY consciously collaborative interplay with trees. Students gain self-trust, are spiritually guided, expand their worldview, and become empowered with effective enlightened co-creative skills that help living Beings--including themselves--survive and thrive.

I’m co-founder of BioBalia Institute: BIOlogy in BALance, the whole greater than sum of parts. I synthesize systems that catalyze transformation in consciousness: Tree Whispering, Paradigm Jumping, Mutual Healing.  I teach classes from simple 5 Step Connection through BioBalia Interplay at our Advanced Mystery Academy of BioBalia Institute School.  I lead cultural and spiritually-oriented initiatives: Livable Planet, Holistic Chores. Tree Protector.  YouTube @EcoUpShift. I have received original insights into the Elemental world’s structure. I am acatalyst for practical spirituality & conscious co-creativity.

Missions: To EcoUpShift people's hearts and minds and to champion PARTNERING with Nature.

  • Expert Intuitive Nature Communicator; expert in BioBalia InterPlay.
  • Co-author of 7 books, including the popular Tree Whispering: A Nature Lover’s Guide.
  • Energy and Intuitive Healer of people and trees.
  • Master of Paradigm Discernment; Coach and Guide for People who seek Paradigm Jumping.
  • Creator and Developer of innovative Mindful Methods: Tree Whispering and Collaborative Ecological Healing.
  • Speaker, Workshop Leader, and Teacher at BioBalia Institute School.
  • Futurist and Visionary Thought Leader pointing toward a Livable Planet.
  • Catalyst for Practical Spirituality and Conscious Co-Creativity.
  • Idea-Translator of Sacred Messages.
  • Receiver and Teacher of Original Insights into the Elemental World’s Structure.
  • Workshop leader globally, and for 18 years at Omega Institute.
  • Video Author and Producer at EcoUpShift YouTube Channel
  • Business owner and Director: BioBalia Institute.
  • Publisher and Expert in Graphics and Layout Software.
  • Gardener, Rose Grower.
  • and Mother to Countless Creative and Consciousness-Elevating Projects.

These are all 7 of our books in publication order.
  1. Tree Whispering: A Nature Lover's Guide
  2. Tree Whispering: Trust the Path Notebook and Journal
  3. The Tree Whisperer's 10 Tree and Plant Insights
  4. People Saving Their Trees in Hurricane Sandy
  5. Messages from Trees Coloring and Activity Book for the Young and Young-at-Heart
  6. Live and Let Live: How Multidimensional Collaboration Heals Ecosystems
  7. Live and Let Live: Enlightened Stewardship

Basia's Story: Puzzle Pieces Put Together

I am a skilled intuitive Nature Communicator but I really see myself as a champion of humanity’s shift to a new kind of relationship with Nature…collaborative partnership with Nature.

My life has been a long and winding road but Spirit has always directed my path as if I were the Scotty Dog on the board game Chutes and Ladders.   My love of trees started as a young child with the Sugar Maple in the back yard.  And as I tell my story, remember that trees, gardening, and plants of every kind are woven into the tapestry throughout.  

In my 20’s, the human potential movement was going strong and I followed my nose from one workshop to another, seeking insight and spirituality.  I felt that there were pieces of a puzzle I needed, but I didn’t have the box that showed what the finished puzzle should look like.  

One of first puzzle pieces showed up during a big workshop event where the speaker explained how people’s belief systems form structures that determine how they think and what they do.  He said that thinking inside of that structure is invisible… and usually doesn’t allow new or different ideas to even occur.  This all made sense to me but I didn’t know what to do with it at the time.  

But hold that thought because I’ll come back around to it.  

Even tho I didn’t know what the puzzle would look like, I was getting the pieces.

My life changed the day I began practicing the consciousness-elevating exercises in Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way book, and then started attending writer’s conferences. I learned to follow my feet… to trust my instincts. I wrote a small but important self-help book that touched many people.  I gardened.  I had a catalog business. I lead workshops in creativity and coached people to expand their possibilities.  I gained teaching skills when I trained people in Intro to Macintosh computers. I am a natural techie and a natural teacher.  

And then, well, have you ever had a book fall off the shelf in front of you?  I have, twice.  The first was the book about the Findhorn community in Scotland which had a deeply sacred approach to the Spirit of Nature Beings.  The second was a book from the Perelandra founder who recommended a highly structured approach to interacting with Nature.  Both saw Spirit in Nature and respected the intelligence of trees and plants.  Talking with trees may seem odd to some people but it seemed totally natural to me.

My health had its ups and downs, so I was attracted to the holistic energy-healing system called The BodyTalk System.  The beauty of The BodyTalk System is that the practitioner is NOT taught a “solution” to a person’s health problem and does NOT channel or move energy.  The genius of it is that the practitioner TALKS intuitively with the body’s innate intelligence and asks a set of questions to find out what the body’s priorities are, from the body’s point of view.  Then, the BodyTalk healing occurs through structured methods and interactions in consciousness.

I took the BODYTALK practitioner training, and so did Jim, my husband and partner.  It was the pivotal moment of both of our lives.  Since the agricultural chemicals he was developing and marketing for a Fortune 50 company didn’t work for him, he saw that he could develop a new way heal plants and trees from the inside out as inspired by the BodyTalk system.  

I saw the key piece of my life’s puzzle that would make it all into a beautiful mosaic.  

So we shifted our lives. Jim and I started developing our Tree Whispering® approach to heal trees and plants from the inside-out and coming from their point of view.  My experiences with the intelligence, Spirit, and consciousness of the Plant Kingdom laid the groundwork for our philosophy.  Jim’s PhD in Plant Pathology and his extensive knowledge of plant functionality became the practical structure of the botanical methods we developed.  And my computer and writing skills made it all real.  

Both of us honed our natural intuitive strengths into keen Nature Communication skills.  It is humbling to engage in a conversation with a tree, or a marigold, or a head of cabbage!  Of course our families thought we were off the wall, but we persisted because we witnessed the trees, plants, and crops regaining health and growing vigorously.  

Now, let me circle back to that thing I didn’t know what to do with: the idea that people’s belief systems form structures that determine how they think and what they do.  It’s called a paradigm.  I knew I would become a kind of a midwife to assist at the birth of a new structure of thinking.  I would become a champion for a new operating system for humanity’s relationship with Nature called Partnership.

In other words, I would help people open up to a Nature-centric rather than Human-centric way of thinking, feeling, and interacting with the Plant Kingdom and all of Nature’s sacred Beings…especially in these times of climate extremes.

Then, in early 2024, I had a personal insight -- an epiphany.  In these  years since 2003 of developing, teaching, and practicing our Tree Whispering approaches, I acknowledged that I had developed a high level of mastery in translating the old paradigm, human-centric, “it’s all about me” language that is so invisible INTO the new Nature-centric “coming from the plant’s point of view” language of the livable future on this planet. I had been -- unknowingly -- developing expertise in paradigm jumping since 2004.

Being Nature-Centric is the next step after Nature Communication.

It’s what I call the Eco-UpShift to true PARTNERSHIP.  It means UpShifting to new beliefs in heart, mind, and Spirit that result in enlightened actions.  The Eco UpShift comes from not just communicating with Nature, but also collaborating with Nature Beings by coming from their point of view and meeting their needs as part of co-creating to restore their health.   That's true PARTNERSHIP.

Jim and I followed where our guides and master lead us.  And we discovered that we were way ahead of our time.  Talking about tree intelligence, communicating with plants, and improving their health from the inside-out fell on a lot of deaf ears in the early 2000’s at Landscape Industry shows and Flower shows .  It still falls pretty flat for many people who are stuck in the old domination, control, superiority and human-centric kind of thinking.  

And we persisted.  Wrote 7 books.  Found clients for Jim’s services.  Found centers who sponsored our classes.  Have taught many hundreds of people.  

Now, we find that many more people are beginning to accept the idea that the Plant Kingdom is intelligent, that trees have their own purposes, and that all plants can be thought of as equals on this sacred planet we all share.  

When I said that I see myself as a champion of humanity’s shift to a new kind of relationship with Nature, a collaborative partnership with Nature that's a two-way street of "Take AND GIVE", well, that’s the upgrade of heart and mind I’m talking about.  

And what sort of picture have all those puzzle pieces made for me?  It’s a picture of a new world where people and Nature Beings interact as mutual partners.  It’s a picture of a healthy and livable planet made real by people’s shift to an EcoUpshifted way of thinking, feeling, and Being into PARTNERSHIP.  

I envision a world where...

...people live, think, and behave in PARTNERSHIP with Nature and the planet is livable again.

I believe people will realize that the contents of their thoughts creates their world. And if they don't like their world, they have to change their thoughts to create a better one. It's a simple and ancient principle.

So thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can
• fear >> faith, positive outlooks
• anger >> movement to action
• resentment >> release and renewal
• believing "not enough" >> "sufficiency"
• greed >> generosity

Humanity is going through a growth stage now, making the passage from wild adolescence to adulthood on the planet. But like many teenagers, humanity has been reckless.

What's possible, potential, even inevitable, is that people awaken to their personal empowerment as individuals and their unity as a species on this fragile planet--our only home.

And so, I envision a world where people
partner with Nature, partner with each other, and show
• honor and integrity
• truth and loyalty
• courage and kindness
to each other and to every living Being on the planet.

Why do I do this work? To midwife the shift of human consciousness to a higher level of feelings, thoughts, and actions. I invite you to join me in taking action toward this vision.

If you are interested in asking Dr. Jim and me to speak to your group, please Contact Us by email. You can also always use this "Sign Up For Info" button to get announcements.

Want us to speak or consult?

Find out what we offer at the Contact Page

A tray-full of appetizers from the blog category: Big New Ideas for EcoUpShift

Here are some ideas that are so startling that you have to really think about them. Old assumptions need to be questioned, re-evaluated, possibly released and replaced with greater truths. Release old assumptions so that the truth of the new idea can root like the tiny seed of a Giant Sequoia.
  • Everything is alive. All life is sacred. Living Beings have consciousness.
  • People can learn to come from the plant's point of view, people can take Nature's perspective.
  • Co-Creativity is a mutual, reciprocal, collaborative approach wherein the goals of all beings are met, not just human goals.
  • People are not powerless. They can take empowered actions.
  • Trees, plants, and all ecosystem members are stressed or in decline. They can be healed from the inside-out through bioenergy and consciousness overlap so that their inner functionality is restored.
  • People can ask Nature for Her advice about how to solve ecological problems in their own backyards as well as globally.
  • People can collaborate with Nature Beings by asking questions to the profound intelligence in Nature. Nature's answers are wise. It's the best way for humanity to co-create healthy and sustainable ecosystems for positive future on Earth.
  • Empowered thinking spreads, then the world changes.
Albert Einstein: "We can't solve our current problems with the same kind of thinking we used to create those problems."
Upshifted thinking is a network of many inter-linked ideas that are at a higher level.

Click here to go to the blog section: Big New Ideas for EcoUpShift