Connect with Trees!  They want to connect with YOU, too.

Connecting with Nature is your Birthright... and I'm here to guide you into your experience in the most peaceful and pleasant way.

When you take the class-- Basic 5 Step Connection Process Experience-- you can expect to de-stress, feel inner peace, and even enjoy some kind of healing. But more than that, you'll experience kinship and reciprocity with the consciousness (you might say "Spirit") of a tree or plant that you care about.

You don't need any special gifts. I make it easy and simple.

That's why I created this 5 step connection process experience that anyone can enjoy and have success with.

Why connect?

Some obvious reasons... it feels good to reconnect after a long time of "distancing." A walk in the woods or touching trees is often satisfying.

But more than that: many people are longing for a more meaningful partnership with Nature's living Beings. People want to get off of the me-me-me merry-go-round of current culture and become more Nature-Centric.

And, there is an opportunity to "feel good by doing good." Not only does the Spirit in trees and plants WANT US to connect with them, but trees and plants need our help in these times of climate extremes.

Part of the Connection Experience is to find out what a tree's life is like. So I'll ease you into the tree's world by guiding you to imagine that you are "standing" in its roots, "seeing" through its eyes, and "being" the tree.

You'll find out what it's like to come from the tree's point of view. You'll learn about its life from the inside-out.

It's fun to journey--as if you were a child again--into the tree's world. The experience can also be a profound one of feeling the Life Force within a willing and friendly partner: a tree you care about.

So, please join me, Basia Alexandr, in this simple and easy adventure of connection with a tree or plant!

I've been guiding thousands of people to have these relaxing and heart-opening experiences since 2005.

Here's what some have said:

  • MARGARET from Delaware: "I am excited to practice what I've learned and to partner with Nature. Thanks for the care and thought you have put into teaching."
  • SARAH from Canada: "Exceeded my expectations! I felt connected with trees in ways I never dreamed were possible. My heart soars."
  • CHERYL from Washington, D.C.: "Helped me quickly take a leap of faith. Immediately experiential. I felt closer to the Life Force and truth of my trees."
  • DAVID from Connecticut: "I work with trees and this experience opened me up to appreciating them as beings, as individuals, as my friends."
  • TAMMY from Pennsylvania: "I appreciate your 'heart-of-the-matter' teaching style. You exude a sureness that is refreshing."
Apr 5, 2024
Connect Experiences with Trees & Nature
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