What does Collaborate mean?

Once you have some experience with Nature Communication, it's easy to want to move on to collaborating with Nature because you know that they have a kind of wisdom and intelligence.
If you look up synonyms for the word "collaborate" you'll find the list includes "go partners" as well as "cooperate," "participate," "co-act," and "work together."
That's how we feel--exactly--about Partnering WITH Nature. We hope to inspire people to be cooperative with Nature, to participate and work together with its profound intelligence.
There is an implication of equality with the words "Collaborate" or "Partner." Nature has long been viewed as something to exploit--not alive. But now we know differently.
By developing intuitive communication skills and sensory sensitivity--by taking the Path to Partnership--there is a real possibility that each person--you--can contribute to the restoration of health and functionality to local and global ecosystems.
...and we are using the word "Partner" as a verb, even though the dictionary doesn't.
An Example of How YOU could collaborate with Nature:
You might tell everyone to leave you alone, take a little chair, a notebook, and sit down next to a tree. You would get quiet inside and connect with the bioenergy, the LIFE Force, and the deep intelligence of that tree--of Nature.
Then you would start asking it questions.
For instance in this example, you might say things like, "Hello lovely tree. I want to be sure that you are healthy. I see that you have a few small dead branches in your crown. Are you getting enough water?"
Then, you would hear/see/feel its answer as either the information "yes" or "no" or you would intuit the tree's directions or advice to you.
Ask about one thing at a time.
You could continue to ask about whether it wants any fertilizer at all. Or does it prefer organic compost? if so, what kind? when? where to put it? how much? and any other questions about the topic of fertilizing that occur to you.
Often, mature trees don't want any fertilizer at all.
Then, you might move on to a series of questions about pruning, another series about spraying, etc.
Sometimes a "NO" doesn't exactly mean 'no' but rather means "ask me something else" or "ask me another way."
Take heart. Keep at it. Soon you'll have regular conversations with the trees and other Nature Beings.
Please see the guided experiences from our 1st book, Tree Whispering: A Nature Lover's Guide
Starting on Page 146
Read these questions first. Before you attempt to ASK THE TREE, always take care of yourself and make sure that you feel comfortable. Don’t do anything that would feel bad for you. If you have any concerns, do not do this.
Here is a list of yes/no questions that you can use when you want to get information from a tree, plant, or other Being of Nature.
You may use a muscle-testing yes/no question and answer process.
Adapt this list of questions to fit your particular situation. When in doubt, or if you don’t understand, continue to ask the yes/no questions until the answer is clear to you.
By using this list, you are giving the tree or plant a chance to say “no.” Remember, a “no” may be an indication that the plant needs you to ask other questions or different questions.
Step 1: Do a CONNECTION EXPERIENCE exercise as shown in many posts in this category.
Step 2: Ask questions as appropriate to your situation:
- “Do I have permission to ask you some questions?”
- “Do you need water?” (and go through a series of questions about specifics: 1 cup? 1 pint? 1 quart? 1 gallon? drip hose for 2 hours? more? less?)
- “Do you need a tie, band, or wire removed?”
- “Do you need compost?” (and go through a series of questions about specifics: now? later? when? how much of a specific compost? or what kind of compost? more? less?)
- “Do you need food?” (and go through a series of questions about specifics: now? later? when? how much of a specific food such as sea kelp? or what kind of food? more? less?)
- “Do you need beneficial microorganisms?” (and go through a series of questions about specifics: now? later? when? how much? or what kind? on leaves? in soil around roots?)
- “Do you need a dead limb removed?” now? later? when?
- “Do you need the soil under you loosened up?” now? later? when? by how much–lightly? more vigorous?
- “Is a certain pest a problem for you?” (Look for one you might see on or around the plant.) does it need to be removed? now? later? when? use a ________ product? (be specific) use a different product? (ask about specific options) how much? (always be within product label direction guidelines.)
- “Is this a good transplant location for you?” too much sun? not enough sun?
- “Do you need to be left alone?”
- “Do you need to be loved or appreciated?”
Step 3: Take action in cooperation with the tree or plant.
Always ask more questions if you are unclear about any step in the process.
Step 4: Thank the tree or plant for allowing you into its world.
If you do these processes, you are collaborating with Nature. Congratulations!
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