If you are a tree and nature lover, gardener, environmentalist, adventurer, do-it-yourselfer, visionary, or someone who wants a livable planet, please sign up to receive info, inspiration, and pro-active steps to partner with Nature.
RESEARCH: Here is a timeline of just a few of the research results over the years. Also, you'll see what our approach, purposes, and questions questions are.
Trees can show signs of "bleeding canker" when they are stresses or sick. Organisms that usually live in the soil find their way up onto the bark to live a different stage of their lives. However they can live full-time in the soil and NOT harm the tree.
Everybody loves those big old trees. They are so majestic and wise. But, like human counterparts, they can get stressed or sick. Dr. Jim Conroy's advanced bioenergy and consciousness methods help these trees regain inner functionality.
Everybody Wins. That's not a "normal" negotiation. Don't most people think that someone has to lose? Well, that's just not true. In order to have a livable planet, EVERYBODY is going to have to win.
You can know what another living Being's life is like because you can imagine or intuit looking out through their eyes, feeling their roots or wings, or hearing their inner song. It's a non-linear process--you get to let go of being human for a few minutes and imagine being a tree...or some other Nature Being.
Jim and I take a stand for decency, honesty, equality. We have a deep commitment to openness. We abhor cultural and political expressions that attempt to control, dominate or denigrate others. We do not attack the old paradigm: we show a better way.