Yes and More.
Yes: Scientists who belong to the Society for Plant Signaling and Behavior ( have written countless papers and books about the intelligence in the Plant Kingdom. These are their findings:
"Plants accurately compute inputs from the environment, use sophisticated cost-benefit analysis, and take action to mitigate diverse environmental insults. Plants are also capable of refined recognition of self and non-self, and are territorial in behavior. This view sees plants as information processing organisms with complex, long-distance communication systems within the plant body and extending into the surrounding ecosystem.”
So, partnering with a fellow being on earth is no longer restricted to other humans. Anyone can partner as sentient to sentient.
And how is that done? Through the 4Cs: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Co-Create.
More: Once a person recognizes that trees, plants, forests, and all Nature beings are valuable living beings, often what arises is a sense of deep appreciation that goes beyond the rigors of science. People want to become partners with Nature Beings because all of us on this planet share Life Energy and Spirit.
Then, it is very natural for most people to feel a sense of inspiration or sometimes duty to care for this planet and all of its inhabitants in more responsible, sustainable, and healing ways. Thus, people become parters with Nature.