Partner With Nature

Humanity's New "Operating System" for
Inner Peace and Restoring a Livable Planet

Our workshop, SACRED EXCHANGES WITH TREES, October 6th, 2024, Sunday, 2pm USA Eastern time...

Our workshop is the first  in a series of three workshops sponsored by The 3 Webinar Series is called: "Sacred Exchanges with Trees"... and meets on October 6th, 13th, and 20th. Each of the three different webinars convenes at 2pm Eastern time.  There is a sliding scale fee.

Our workshop (the one on October 6th) invites you to...

  • Hear a wise old Oak’s message for humanity.
  • Enjoy two meditations:  "Heart of Oak" and "Step Inside the Tree’s World"  
  • Discover the botanically correct and physiological targeted facts that serve your love of trees.
  • Help trees regain inner health and withstand climate extremes.

These are among the Collaborative Partnership and Enlightened Stewardship practices taught by Dr. Jim Conroy and Basia Alexander at

Find our more about the additional 2 workshops in this series and register at Eventbrite:


Our talk: Collaborative Ecological Healing, Experience InterSpecies Communication During Practical Demonstrations

And because there were technical difficulties during that Zoom, each of the demonstration videos can be viewed at Dr. Jim Conroy's YouTube channel:

Please remember to LIKE the videos and subscribe to our sister YouTube channel: @TheTreeWhisperer_JimConroy. Thank you!


Welcome to I'm Basia Alexander

Here's my invitation to you:


Let me introduce our new course at

I speak in frank terms about the need for this course, called "Humanity and the Plant Kingdom--TOGETHER--At A Turning Point."


Free Access to our Earth Day 2024 talk.

Please click on the image to go to the home page of


Are you ready for more inner peace?

Do you feel that there must be a better--and more "grass-roots"--way to fix this whole climate mess?

Here at, we invite tree lovers and all others into a do-it-yourself, interplay-type of approach we call "partnering with Nature."

Partnering with Nature is a two-way, respectful, collaborative, and MUTUALLY healing relationship you can have with trees, plants, crops, forests, and ecosystems. Experience peacefully connecting with them, Spirit-to-Spirit, and be uplifted. Learn about protecting them from the damaging effects of climate extremes through innovative skills.

You'll rediscover your inner peace AND be exposed to ideas that DON'T FIT THE MOLD about restoring health and balance in Nature, including you.

Check out our school.

Explore our blog's five "ways to partner."

  1. Have peaceful connection experiences.
  2. Become an enlightened steward and feel confident about the future.
  3. Think new, big ideas!
  4. Find out amazing things about trees and have fun
  5. Discover secrets, gain insight.

Click below to find out about our big ideas

When you connect with your trees,  plants, crops, or forest...

  • You de-stress and rediscover your inner peace. Trees, plants, crops, and forests regenerate.
  • You slow down. They get your conscious attention.
  • You listen with your heart and intuition. They offer advice.

It’s mutual.  You and your trees can become partners for the give-and-take of Mutual Healing through Tree Whispering®. 

Their health needs are the kind that require YOUR touch, YOUR caring words and thoughts…while you are receiving benefits from them.  

Please consider taking a course at

Is this you?

  • You love trees and Nature; you have a sense of awe and wonder.
  • You're willing to think outside-of-the-box... believe that both science and Spirit offer solutions to humanity’s environmental problems.
  • Are “into” discovery and innovation--even with ideas that don't "fit the mold."
  • You long for hope for a positive environmental future … and are willing to do-it-yourself... but just need some reassurance and  "how to".
  • You are eager to let go of environmental despair and have "realistic" hope for a positive future on a livable planet.

If you answered "yes" then you will enjoy: The Basic 5 Step Connection Process Experience

Enter your name and email address here to receive FREE information about partnering with Nature!

Don't worry. We won't share your information. It's safe with us.

Special Skills?
Fears about Future?
Climate Dangers?
What if?
Science based?


Questions you may have...


Do I have to have special skills to be a partner with Nature?

NO.  Just the way you are is fine for becoming a partner with Nature.  

You simply decide that you will act in partnership.  

That can mean doing any or all of these things:

  1. Respecting plants, trees, forests and all Nature Beings as living (even sentient) beings. 
  2. Thinking about whatever you are doing and asking yourself whether it will have a negative impact on trees, plants, ecosystems, forests… 
  3. Putting yourself inside a tree’s world.  Imagine standing in its roots, trying to see the world through its ‘eyes’, imagining what its life is like. 
  4. Having MUTUAL encounters with trees.  For example, when you feel peaceful walking in a forest you can “give back” by offering your attention, caring, love, or whispers to the trees.  
  5. Experiencing the 4Cs:  Connecting:  Like “dancing” with a tree, with plants, or other living beings.  Dancing is the art of mutually coordinating with an equal. Communicating:  Feeling childlike and using your imagination to exchange messages with a tree. Collaborating:  Recognizing the deep intelligence in Nature then asking questions to a tree or plant. Co-Creating:  Doing whatever wise thing the tree or plant suggests for both you and them.  This can lead to restoring a livable planet. 
  6. Letting Nature be your guide.  When you want to do something with a tree or plant, let it tell you what it needs.  

How will partnering with Nature bring a better future?

In the last several hundred years, many people’s controlling and dominating actions toward Nature have resulted in the ecological damage and climate extremes that are putting humanity’s future in jeopardy. 

If each individual will only see the living Beings of Nature—trees, plants, forests, animals, and all others—as beings worthy of respect and as equals, then behaviors will change. Similar to being a partner with another person—behaving as a partner to Nature asks for an acknowledgement of the value of the other, asks for courtesy, cooperation, and coordination.  

By behaving in respectful, courteous, and cooperative ways, everything in daily life and on the planet will become better.  A history of negativity or obstacles is just that, history. 

The future can be newly envisioned and newly created.  It’s a future each person must build through an enlightened mindset and positive actions every day.  

Am I helpless in the face of these huge climate dangers like temperature shifts, drought, fire, winds, storms, or flooding?

No.  You can be empowered to make a difference in your own backyard and your local parks. 

We are not talking about becoming a political activist, although civic action is important.  

Just because a tree is green doesn’t mean it’s healthy.  Climate extremes have already compromised tree and forest health world-wide.  By bringing specific BioBalia Nature InterPlay™ Mindful Methods™ into your mind or consciousness while you are focusing your attention on your trees does have a healing action.  

The healing effects of Mindful Methods help to strengthen the INNER FUNCTIONALITY and the INTERCONNECTIVITY of trees, nd ecosystems.

What we mean is that learning and practicing mindful methods can make a difference. Your use of Mindful Methods can HEAL trees and forests so that they might be better able to withstand climate extremes... and even heal YOU and the planet.  

And in doing so, you will feel empowered!  

Many people have already used our Mindful Methods so we wrote a book about it: People Saving their Trees in Hurricane Sandy And more people are taking our various courses at to learn to help their trees survive climate extremes such as drought, fire, and others... and to empower themselves.  

What if people see me touching or talking with a tree?

If you are afraid of other people’s judgement, you don’t have to touch or talk with the tree.  You can  stand or sit near it with a peaceful smile on your face. People will simply think that you are enjoying Nature.  Others will never know that you are in a caring and mutually healing relationship with that tree.  

If you are brave, you might ask them to join you in that wonderful tactile experience of feeling a tree’s bark with your fingertips.  It’s a de-stressing, relaxing experience.  It can bring out the child-like joy of playfulness in you and in them. 

We are not suggesting “hugging” a tree.  Although, if you have feelings of sensitivity in your body or your caring-heart, you may enjoy doing that. 

But simply being NEAR a tree means that your proven and measured radiant bio-field and the tree’s radiant bio-field are overlapping.  And that can also be pleasant, relaxing, joyous.  

And you don’t have to talk out loud.  Just THINKING good thoughts, or holding a positive image in mind while you are near a tree can be uplifting for both you and the tree’s consciousness.  They are sentient beings, just different from us.  

Is partnering with Nature based on science?

Yes and More.  

Yes: Scientists who belong to the Society for Plant Signaling and Behavior  ( have written countless papers and books about the intelligence in the Plant Kingdom.  These are their findings:

"Plants accurately compute inputs from the environment, use sophisticated cost-benefit analysis, and take action to mitigate diverse environmental insults. Plants are also capable of refined recognition of self and non-self, and are territorial in behavior. This view sees plants as information processing organisms with complex, long-distance communication systems within the plant body and extending into the surrounding ecosystem.”

So, partnering with a fellow being on earth is no longer restricted to other humans. Anyone can partner as sentient to sentient.  

And how is that done?  Through the 4Cs:  Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Co-Create.  

More: Once a person recognizes that trees, plants, forests, and all Nature beings are valuable living beings, often what arises is a sense of deep appreciation that goes beyond the rigors of science.  People want to become partners with Nature Beings because all of us on this planet share Life Energy and Spirit.  

Then, it is very natural for most people to feel a sense of inspiration or sometimes duty to care for this planet and all of its inhabitants in more responsible, sustainable, and healing ways.  Thus, people become parters with Nature.  


Concerned about Climate Extremes? Learn the 7 Ways to Counteract Hopelessness and Become Empowered About Climate Change

Here's a course you can do in less than :30 minutes. Please click on the image to find out more...

______________________________________________________________________________________'s co-founders invite you to look into BioBalia Institute School

BioBalia Institute School has a globally unique and enlightened approach to partnering with Nature:  connection, communication, conscious collaboration, and co-creation with the deep intelligence in trees, plants, crops, forests, and ecosystems to restore a livable planet.

Recordings of past UPDATER Gatherings can be found at

  • May 18, 2023, "Step Inside Your Tree's Climate Changed World"
  • June 29th, 2023, "Saving the Giant Sequoias"
  • August 17th, 2023, "Forest Survive in Climate Extremes"

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