Big New Ideas for EcoUpShifting

What do we mean by the BioBalia network of ideas?

These interlocking ideas add up to BioBalia InterPlay™: A Whole Greater Than the Sum of It's Parts

Re-Enchantment for Adults

Conferring aliveness to what seems to be not alive. Mysterious existence.

What do we mean by 'upgrade human thinking?'

Same old thinking gets you the same old results. New thinking, enlightened or UPSHIFTED thinking gets you the results you want.

Partner With Nature in 10 Easy Ways

Anyone can do these 10 easy ways to Partner With Nature. It all starts with loving Nature and enjoying InterPlay with Nature.

Decency. Honesty. Equality. Taking a Stand for the way Nature operates in community!

Jim and I take a stand for decency, honesty, equality. We have a deep commitment to openness. We abhor cultural and political expressions that attempt to control, dominate or denigrate others. We do not attack the old paradigm: we show a better way.