Everybody Wins or Nobody Wins

Everybody Wins. That's not a "normal" negotiation. Don't most people think that someone has to lose? Well, that's just not true. In order to have a livable planet, EVERYBODY is going to have to win.

VIDEO: How to Have a Connection Experience in a Public Park

Basia gives some advice about how to go through the 5 Connection Experience steps in a public park.

Re-Enchantment for Adults

Conferring aliveness to what seems to be not alive. Mysterious existence.

Tell a New Story: Toss a Pebble in the Pond

Let me tell you a true story that hasn't happened--yet. It's about the kind of transformed world that could be the result of doing things that work.

What do we mean by 'upgrade human thinking?'

Same old thinking gets you the same old results. New thinking, enlightened or UPSHIFTED thinking gets you the results you want.